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Treatment Methods for Arsenic Wastewater

September 23, 2024
Many of ore gold ore containing arsenic, often arsenopyrite (arsenic pyrite) exists in the form of inconvenience to the extraction of gold is usually pretreated. It is easy to produce arsenic-containing gas and arsenic-containing wastewater in the pretreatment process. The arsenic-containing wastewater mainly contains oxides of arsenite, arsenate and arsenic. If it is not treated and discharged into the surface water body, it will cause serious harm to farmland irrigation, human and animal drinking, and fishery water.
 Long-term consumption of arsenic-exceeding groundwater is prone to drinking-type endemic arsenicosis (referred to as “ground arsenic disease”), which can lead to lung cancer, skin cancer and other cancers in serious cases. The ion exchange resinmethod is an effective solution to significantly reduce the concentration of arsenic in water.
Specifically, COMCESS arsenic remoal ion exchange resin with excellent macroporous properties, suitable for use in a wide range of pH and temperature conditions, and capable of meeting food grade standards. The resin not only has a high adsorption capacity for arsenic, but also can be used directly without pretreatment.
Iron Removal Resin
To summarize, the ion exchange resin method is one of the effective methods to solve the problem of arsenic excess in Bangladesh water. By choosing the right type of resin and carrying out appropriate regeneration and maintenance, the concentration of arsenic in water can be effectively reduced to ensure the safety of people's drinking water.
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